Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to Remove W32/Sality.AE

Remove W32/Sality.AE

1. Disconnected your computer from the network.

2. Turn off “System Restore” when in cleaning process.

3. Turn off “Autorun” and “Default Share” download this file right click on it then choose install.

4. Kill active process in your computer backround and checking your startup file you can use hijackthis.

5. Scan with Norman Malware Cleaner please note because this virus will infected files with extesion .exe com and .scr you have to rename Norman_Malware_Cleaner.exe with new extension example Norman_Malware_Cleaner.cmd

please make sure you downloaded fresh new cleaner from norman official website and don’t run it before you change the extension or this cleaner will gotinfected first before he can eliminate sality.

6. For repair your computer to booting in safe mode please download this file and merge only one that same with your windows version.

7. Repair your registry using this file right click on it then choose install.

8. Reboot your computer and scan again with norman malware cleaner, after that reboot again to make sure your system clean.

That's it.

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